アメリカ運輸保安局のインスタグラム(tsa) - 3月16日 11時54分

#Repost of interview with @whalebonemagazine — Visit their Insta page to read the interview. ・・・
THE INTERVIEW: Each day at airports across the country, roughly 1.9 million people walk through a @アメリカ運輸保安局 security checkpoint. That’s a whole lot of plastic water bottles thrown away. Bob Burns is not in charge of a TSA recycling center, but he does have one of the world's most interesting gigs for the Transportation Security Administration. As social media lead for the TSA, Bob combs through photos of grenades and knives confiscated at airport security stations, while running the Instagram account @アメリカ運輸保安局 with the humor and style of a young Steve Martin. This evening we welcome you to an Instagram Interview between @whalebonemagazine and @アメリカ運輸保安局—a live Q&A taking place in the below comments about things such as: who the hell decided placing red pins on a map was a good idea, in-flight movies worth the price of admission, and how to properly pack an inflatable alligator raft. Shoes off. Going through @アメリカ運輸保安局 Instagram Interview before we release the new Travel Issue.


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