ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 3月16日 10時21分

Centuries ago, Easter Island’s civilization collapsed. But these haunting statues hint at how powerful it must have been. And now, many of the remains of that civilization may be erased, the United Nations warns, by the rising sea levels rapidly eroding Easter Island’s coasts. @caseysalbum, a @ニューヨーク・タイムズ reporter, and @joshhaner, a staff photographer, visited the remote island, 2,200 miles off the coast of mainland Chile. They wanted to find out how the ocean is erasing its monuments. Called moai statues, they’ve made the island famous. Many of the statues and nearly all of the ahu, the platforms that in many cases also serve as tombs for the dead, ring the island. With some climate models predicting that sea levels will rise by 5 to 6 feet by 2100, though, residents and scientists fear that storms and waves now pose a threat like never before. Archeologists worry that rising waves could erase clues to a mystery: Why did ancient Polynesians build the statues on Easter Island? And what caused the collapse of the civilization? Watch our Instagram Story to see more.


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