ヘイゼル・フィンドレーのインスタグラム(hazel_findlay) - 3月15日 19時49分

There are a lot of videos out there of climbers demonstrating how strong they are. I find them inspiring especially the posts from fellow lady climbers. They motivate me get off my bum and work my weaknesses. ? But I thought that maybe a demonstration of how weak I am (relative to the grade I climb) could also be inspiring for those climbers, who like me struggle in the power department. Last year I climbed 8c and this year I have climbed 2 8b+ one of them quite bouldery and here I am struggling to top out the campus board on the biggest rungs (let alone make any big moves). I meet a lot of climbers who are very obsessed with getting stronger, when in fact what limits them is not their strength at all. Many studies suggest we need to practice for over 10,000 hours before we can become an expert. Have you clocked this many hours? (20 hours a week for 10 years). How much time do you spend training physically? How much time do you dedicate to purposeful practice, mental training, flexibility, goal setting, improving technique, mastering new styles of climbing?


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