レイチェル アントノフのインスタグラム(rachelantonoff) - 3月9日 05時15分

I grew up in Jersey in the 80s and it was gender-normative as hell. My parents were, and are, wonderful, progressive people but out there on the mean streets of the mall, I internalized the idea that other girls were my competition. That being 'girly' wasn't cool, that it was better to be 'one of the guys' (BARF). Maybe some of you can't relate to this in which case, I commend you! But for me, it took a minute to learn that we need to support each other, build each other up and raise each others voices. That when one of us succeeds, we all succeed.
This morning on the subway I was working on a little compilation post of some of the women I admire and in doing so, I realized I didn't want to and here’s why: I feel overwhelmed by admiration and gratitude for women all the time, everywhere I look. Women on the subway, low key looking out for each other and silently communicating about potentially creepy fellow commuters. Women on the streets of midtown who I share a smile or a nod with as we pass each other. The women in my office; these incredible, empathetic, courageous, cool women I get to share the majority of my time with. My mom. My Aunts. My Grandmas. They are honestly everywhere -these extraordinary women- and it heartens me every single day.


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