unicefのインスタグラム(unicef) - 3月8日 23時00分

Can you imagine being the only obstetrician in a remote hill region of 25,000 people? This is the life of Dr. Pakirova, who has delivered thousands of babies in her village hospital. “If you had come here seven years ago, you would have seen a staggering sight. Many newborns were dying of hypothermia,” says Dr. Pakirova, adding “When they died, my heart was in pain.” With a little help from UNICEF, Dr. Pakirova and her colleagues have turned around childbirth for women in the region. “We we are ready for the birth, because today in this hospital, the conditions are really good. We have been trained and connected to water. We have new windows and electric heaters to heat the birthing room.” Around the world, countless newborn lives can be saved with the simplest of solutions. Join us in calling on world leaders to prioritize health care for every mother and baby. Link in bio! #IWD #EveryChildALIVE
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