テス・ホリデーのインスタグラム(tessholliday) - 3月8日 01時05分

Since becoming a new mom (again!) I’ve been very open with how hard it’s been. From dealing with extreme PPD, to at times feeling really isolated and overwhelmed. My boys are 10 years apart and that comes with its own set of problems, but I’ve found support through other women. The other day I stumbled across @Peanut ? in the App Store. It's genuinely amazing. The app shows your other mamas in your area who are at the same stage in life as you, who you share interests with beyond just motherhood. This is one of the things I LOVE about @Peanut - it recognizes that although we’re mothers, we still want to connect as women first and foremost. The app has this cool feature called Pages, to help you get advice about whatever you are dealing with from other mothers. There have been moments where I thought “can a tiny one year old really throw tantrums?!” GUESS WHAT, THEY CAN AND DO ??‍♀️ One mom suggested teaching Bowie sign language so he can communicate what he needs to lessen the tantrums because he can’t yet say what he wants. ? Being a parent is really tough, but man is it worth these bags under my eyes! I encourage you to check @Peanut out, & I hope it helps you as much as it’s helped me! There’s a reason they say it takes a village to raise a child! ? ? @nickhollidayco #momlife

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