ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 3月6日 22時52分

Brazil is suffering its worst outbreak of yellow fever in decades. The virus, which kills 3% to 8% of those who are infected, is now circling Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, threatening to become this country’s first-blown urban epidemic since 1942. Although there have been only 237 deaths since the hot season began, the fatality rate will explode if the virus reaches the slums and the clouds of fearsome mosquitoes swarming there. These mosquitoes breed in drinking water barrels and street garbage puddles, hide in the dark corners of houses and often bite several humans before laying eggs. To head off that catastrophe, health officials are struggling to vaccinate millions of people. But the effort has been slowed by what critics call a series of government missteps and the spread of false rumors about the vaccine. The vaccine is highly effective — one dose normally provides lifetime protection. But it is not always harmless. With the disease moving rapidly forward, health authorities announced that they hoped to inoculate 95 percent of the population in 77 cities and towns in the virus’s path — a total of 23 million people, including 12 million in São Paulo alone. But “they didn’t have 12 million shots to give us,” one doctor said. Dado Galdieri took this picture of health workers going door-to-door to get people vaccinated. Visit the link in our profile to read more.


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