Dogs by Ginaのインスタグラム(napanatural.dogco) - 3月5日 02時09分

I am often asked how to become a better groomer. I don’t really know how to answer that. Good groomers are rare and hard to come by. The industry is actually in very short supply of good groomers. I have been pulled in every direction helping where I can. We need good groomers. But it takes a good person. You need desire, will, internal motivation. It comes from you not anyone els. You have to want it. I sought out in my opinion the most talented groomers I have ever seen work. It was everything. The skill, the patience, the quietness and ease of their work. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen and I wanted it too! While working for them I had every single dog picked apart for three years. There were tears, frustration, magic moments and joy of accomplishment. I witnessed countless groomers come in and out of their shop in a matter of hours, days. Its not easy being told you need to fix things especially when you have been doing it for so long. People are cocky, they think they already are good. They don’t want to listen they don’t want to be nagged. You have to be willing to put in the work to get the reward. And for most this is not easy.


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