Black Jaguar-White Tiger のインスタグラム(blackjaguarwhitetiger) - 2月19日 08時15分

Formally introducing Baby Stardust, a Golden Tigress born with us, from one of our many, many end of the year rescues (Funny enough not from a Golden Tiger. Golden Tigers are super rare, supposedly, there are around 30 of them in the world, it’s an even rarer color than the White Bengal Tiger. Having said this, she has the loudest lungs I’ve experienced, this girl can cry but also chuffs beautifully. Her name was inspired by all the Magic behind the Stardust Casino in Las Vegas, a hotel that revolutionized the city. That Hotel, through time, has inspired me a lot in many ways. This name is a tribute to Frank Rosenthal and Tony Spilotro, including all the “Charm” that their adventures there brought to the city and to me. As weird as it sounds, remembering them brings Papa Bear a certain nostalgia. May they Rest In Peace. I’ll let you enjoy my Baby girl now...
Les presento formalmente a mi hija Stardust, una Tigrita Dorada que nos nació a nosotros de unos rescates de fin de año. Es una beba hermosisima con unos pulmones de miedo, es lo más fuerte que he escuchado al chillar. Nos trae enamorados pues es una gruñona...
#BabyStardustBJWT #SaveTigers #LasVegas #FrankRosenthal #TonySpilotro


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