ジ・オニオンのインスタグラム(theonion) - 2月16日 02時02分

“I am deeply sorry for thinking you would all react the way I’m accustomed to and simply disregard all misconduct claims made against someone in such a powerful position,” said White House Chief of Staff John Kelly, explaining that his four decades as an officer in the armed services had led him to expect people would not only turn a blind eye to Porter’s misdeeds, but also denounce his victims as liars and then punish them for questioning authority. “I’m still getting used to a leadership style where the standard approach isn’t to roundly dismiss everything the accusers say, make them apologize to their abusers, and then force them to endure excessively painful drills coupled with dehumanizing insults. But I understand now that as White House chief of staff, you can’t just look the other way every time you’re confronted with violent physical abuse against women.” #TheOnion


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