unicefのインスタグラム(unicef) - 2月15日 01時01分

Asmat, 9, waits for lessons to start at a UNICEF learning centre for Rohingya refugees in Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh. Behind her sweet smile is a terrifying story. “I have one brother," says Asmat, "my dad was killed in Myanmar. In the beginning, the soldiers didn’t burn our houses. But then they returned and fired rocket launchers, and burned all the houses in my village. It took us four days to get to the border. We had to cross many canals. We were stopped by soldiers who tied ropes around our necks. They only let us go after we cried loudly. In Myanmar, we were scared every night. At least here, we can sleep peacefully.” Asmat's dream is to open her own restaurant one day, because she loves to prepare food and tea for her friends and family.
© UNICEF/UN0157353/Nybo


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