アメリカ運輸保安局のインスタグラム(tsa) - 2月9日 10時41分

This may be the closest thing to the Glaive that our officers have ever discovered. In this case, it was discovered in a carry-on bag by an officer in Newark, not pulled from the magma by a prince in a mountain cave on the planet #Krull. I know it’s a stretch. It’s not as big, and it’s missing a couple of blades. Oh, and we’re pretty sure it’s not magical.
It’s best to put items such as these in your checked bags to avoid any holdups at the checkpoint.

Did you know that you have options when you bring a prohibited item through the checkpoint? As long as the item isn’t illegal (requiring a call to the police), our officers will give you some options so you can keep your item. They’ll allow you to exit the checkpoint and hand the item off to a friend or loved one, take it to your car, mail it to yourself, or have the airlines check it for you. If none of these options work, you’ll have to surrender the item to TSA. Contrary to popular belief, our officers are not able to keep any of the surrendered items. It’s a zero tolerance fireable offense. — If permitted to leave he checkpoint, please know that you’ll need to be screened again.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




