ジェサ・ヒントンのインスタグラム(jessahinton) - 2月8日 02時19分

"No! I don't want to take a picture"
-camera whips out. ACTION 📽 ! *Every girl
Butttttt ( no puns intended) seriously, we all know our angles and we know which way our body looks good. For instance, if you are on the shorter side then have the person taking the pic go lower. By having them low and shooting up at you, you will appear taller. Struggle with pancake thighs when you're sitting? Yea. We all do. Don't sit, perch. Legs off of the chair in front slightly to the side of you while having your weight on your butt at the edge of the seat.
I know it's frustrating to see photos and think "shit. Not ONE good one". But we all go through it! Knowing your angles is one thing but also treating your body right and going to the gym is key to feeling good. Both mentally and physically. You won't look your best if you don't feel your best.
I'm taking my @1stphorm micro factor packs with me to NY tmrw. Easy and compact for travel. It has 6 different supplements!!! Each one contains a Probiotic, multivitamin, antioxidant, essential fatty acids, CoQ10 (happy ❤️), and fruit and veggie superblend which is perfect because while traveling I DEF don't get all my veggies. These are my little traveling buddies and can be taken everyday!
I hope these tips help! I have tons more if ya want em 😘💕 #phamily


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