イザベル・ルーカスのインスタグラム(isabellucas) - 2月6日 07時57分

Just finished listening to a fab 👌🏽 @abcradionational talk that my cousin just sent me... With Ronni Kahn, founder of @ozharvest, an amazing charity that rescues vast amounts of food destined to be thrown out and gives it to people who need it. They collect from cafes, restaurants, supermarkets, wholesalers and deliver the equivalent of about 340,000 meals per month, to over 420 organizations (like Salvos, St Vinnies, all kinds of shelters). It equates to 140 tones of food a month -- food which would otherwise be wasted.
Over 5.2 billion dollars of food gets wasted and goes to landfill in Australia... @ozharvest not only has an amazing social outcome, they also prevent thousands of kilos of food going to landfill which prevents methane gases going into the atmosphere... If I owned a restaurant I'd be on these guys like a bat out of hell 🙌🏽 📷 pic by my lovely mate @ジョエル・エドガートン


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