thephotosocietyのインスタグラム(thephotosociety) - 1月26日 01時14分

Photo by @Robert Clark // “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one that is most responsive to change." #CharlesDarwin (1809-1882). Have crocodiles cracked the evolutionary code? They are graced with a characteristic that makes them almost indestructible: the ability to enter a state similar to a living death.

They can go for over a year without food. They can live on land or stay submerged in water for long periods. They can slow their metabolism to require mere sips of breath and a few heartbeats a minute. It believed that these abilities allowed them to pass through catastrophes that caused many other forms to vanish.

The hatchling Siamese croc has a mouth that is lined with tack-like teeth that might come loose when first learning to feed.

Today’s crocodilians, from the mighty saltwater crocodile to the dwarf crocodile of West Africa, share basic traits. They are all semi-aquatic carnivores with a familiar morphology.
During the Cretaceous Period, when this area of the planet was a swampy wilderness crossed by large rivers, crocodiles had diversified much as mammals have done today. #Evolution has left us today with 23 species of crocodilian, a quarter of which are considered critically endangered.


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