ルイーズ・ペントランドのインスタグラム(louisepentland) - 1月23日 00時40分

One of the best things about having a baby is that Auntie Judith goes into baking overdrive and brings Nutella cupcakes with chocolate orange 'butterflies' on top. I had one for breakfast today. I woke up and could feel the postpartum hormones swirling and thought, 'you crack on hormones, I'm having cake'. Then I told Liam I could feel a sad day and he said, 'get in the car', so we took Pearlygirl out for a country drive, I enjoyed a bit of country scenery and a good chat, then Liam sent me off for a 2 hour nap and now I feel refreshed and like the hormones didn't win, we did. So, if you're a new mum or frankly you just feel a bit sub par, sod the January diet, have the cake and enjoy it! ????????


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