ヨルグ・バーホーベンのインスタグラム(jorgverhoeven) - 1月16日 01時29分

Working on @クリス・シャーマ's 'Neanderthal' 9b, two weeks ago in Santa Linya. After some 30 meters of 9a'ish climbing comes a burly dyno, which is not so hard by itself, but must be a heartbraker coming from the ground. More burly climbing gets you to a rest, and just when you want it to be over, a final roof guards the top. @アダム・オンドラ fell here breaking a foot, I heard he still has nightmares about it ?. I would have sat down and cried ?. What do you do when you fall off your project on the very end??

Photo by @tobias_lanzanasto


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