クリッセル・リムのインスタグラム(chrisellelim) - 1月13日 10時25分

My shirt says FEARLESS GIRL because I’m feeling pretty damn fearless on a Friday. We had a rough week with everyone being sick including Chloe and also found out that she is allergic to penicillin antibiotic as she broke out into a major hive after her doctor prescribing it for her flu. She is 100% better now and thank you everyone who commented and DM’d me about this. Also I told myself I was going to sleep train Chloe before my next set of travels (which starts tomorrow) , and we successfully did it! On top of all that we shot a months worth of content this week for both the blog and channel, had a killer interview with one of the biggest publications, and we got news from our contractors that we might be able to move into our new office sooner than we thought! So yea.... I’m feeling pretty FEARLESS!! Happy Friday! #chrisellesootd


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




