ロサンゼルスカウンティ美術館のインスタグラム(lacma) - 1月9日 05時48分

In ancient China strange and marvelous stones were valued for their beauty. ✨ “Wu Bin: Ten Views of a Lingbi Stone” focuses on the most extraordinary painting of a stone ever created in China: “Wu Bin’s Ten Views of a Lingbi Stone,” a handscroll that shows 10 different views of one stone. ? We teamed up with the local @houseofintuition to trace the line from ancient beliefs about stones to contemporary ones. For the next five days, we’ll share a crystal and stone every day and the properties behind it on our Instagram story. ? “Wu Bin: Ten Views of a Lingbi Stone” is on view until June 24, 2018. :: Pictured here: an installation view of the exhibition.


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