トローヤン・ベリサリオのインスタグラム(sleepinthegardn) - 1月8日 09時50分

I’m nowhere near a red carpet tonight. But I am on a set. On a lot. Prepping to direct. And for that I am so grateful and feel incredibly lucky. As a woman of mixed race who has been given this job opportunity and has worked to make a career in film. I want to see grace in this town. I want to see love and support. I am wearing black because I am grateful to those who have been brave enough to speak out about harassment in this industry (and others) I hope it means change. I hope it means empowerment. I hope it means equal pay and equal opportunity for Women, LGBTQ and minorities who are all are still woefully underrepresented in positions of power, jobs and stories. In our industry and across the board. #timesup @timesupnow ✌?


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




