カナダグースのインスタグラム(canadagoose) - 1月8日 04時02分

"This image was taken in the afternoon, after desperately waiting for the wind to calm down. We decided to carefully brave the storm to capture the beauty of the blizzard. With the lack of landmarks, the tundra is extremely dangerous. In a moment, you can find yourself in a completely white & undefined landscape. There is no room for error. Thankfully we got back safely to our shelter, but we learned later that during the same blizzard a man from Arviat, Nunavut went missing. It took 5 days to find him, thankfully safe & unharmed," says Photographer Francoise Gervais, who took this photo during a recent expedition to Hudson Bay.
? by @francoisegervaisphotography #arctickingdomexpeditions

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