ジェマ・アトキンソンのインスタグラム(glouiseatkinson) - 1月5日 05時09分

I haven’t squatted in about 8 months and wont be doing them again. I never had them in my last @upfitnesslive program for a few reasons... I’m 5ft 9. My femurs are long! Therefore when squatting I tend to have a more forward lean then a shorter person which tends to put more pressure on my lower back. It starts to ache pretty bad which is never good. Speaking of my back, I have a natural arch when standing (kinda like Donald Duck) ? again this makes squatting hurt like a MF. Lastly, after years of Thai boxing my hip flexors are pretty much ruined and tend to get really tight if over worked. We tried these today (4 sets of 10 at 50kg with heels elevated and slow tempo) but on my last set the pain in my back started so evil steve switched me to walking lunges with dumbbells instead. There is always an alternative with an exercise you can’t quite master for whatever reason. We all have different strengths so don’t beat yourself up. Find what works for you and go with that. It’s important to train smart instead of just winging it and suffering later on ??


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