Alexandra cuando la siento a comer pero no tiene comida ?????? Muchas me preguntais como hicimos para que ella quisiera comer de la manera que lo hace! Y bueno yo creo que influyen dos cosas: 1️⃣ Que desde los 4 meses la poniamos con nosotros cada vez que comiamos o cenabamos para que nos viera. Ellos siempre quieren imitarnos, asi que a los 5 meses y medio Alexandra ya no aguantaba mas viendonos comer! Ella tenia que comer tambien!! 2️⃣ Hace BLW creo que ayuda a que los bebes creen un buen habito de comer, ellos cogen la comida, ellos mandan, les hace independientes. Todo lo que le pongo a Alex en la bandeja lo coge y lo prueba. . Yo empece con zanahorias, aguacate y boniato. ❤️ . Y la silla es de La marca @stokkebaby . . Alexandra when I put her on the high chair to eat but she does not have food ?????? Many of you ask me how we did so that she would like to eat the way she does! And well I think that two things influenced: 1️⃣ That since 4 months we put her with us every time we ate or dinner so that she saw us. They always want to imitate us, so at 5 and a half months Alexandra could not stand it anymore watching us eat! She had to eat too! 2️⃣ Doing BLW I think it helps babies to create a good eating habit, they take food, they eat it, it makes them independent. Everything I put in Alex's tray, she picks it up and tastes it. . I started with carrots, avocado and sweet potato. ❤️ . And the chair is from The brand @stokkebaby

gemma_marinさん(@gemma_marin)が投稿した動画 -

ジェマ・マリンのインスタグラム(gemma_marin) - 1月4日 17時08分

Alexandra cuando la siento a comer pero no tiene comida ?????? Muchas me preguntais como hicimos para que ella quisiera comer de la manera que lo hace! Y bueno yo creo que influyen dos cosas: 1️⃣ Que desde los 4 meses la poniamos con nosotros cada vez que comiamos o cenabamos para que nos viera. Ellos siempre quieren imitarnos, asi que a los 5 meses y medio Alexandra ya no aguantaba mas viendonos comer! Ella tenia que comer tambien!! 2️⃣ Hace BLW creo que ayuda a que los bebes creen un buen habito de comer, ellos cogen la comida, ellos mandan, les hace independientes. Todo lo que le pongo a Alex en la bandeja lo coge y lo prueba. .
Yo empece con zanahorias, aguacate y boniato. ❤️
Y la silla es de La marca @stokkebaby
Alexandra when I put her on the high chair to eat but she does not have food ?????? Many of you ask me how we did so that she would like to eat the way she does! And well I think that two things influenced: 1️⃣ That since 4 months we put her with us every time we ate or dinner so that she saw us. They always want to imitate us, so at 5 and a half months Alexandra could not stand it anymore watching us eat! She had to eat too! 2️⃣ Doing BLW I think it helps babies to create a good eating habit, they take food, they eat it, it makes them independent. Everything I put in Alex's tray, she picks it up and tastes it. .
I started with carrots, avocado and sweet potato. ❤️
And the chair is from The brand @stokkebaby


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