ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 1月4日 12時21分

China’s largest shipping company has poured billions of dollars into buying seaports in Greece and other maritime nations. But the location of its latest big foreign investment has given a curious twist to the expanding ambitions of the China Ocean Shipping Company: The nearest ocean is more than 1,600 miles away. The state-owned Chinese shipping giant, known as COSCO, became the 49% owner this past summer of a patch of frost-covered asphalt bisected by railway tracks and lined with warehouses in landlocked #Kazakhstan. The barren wilderness close to the border with China stands near the Eurasian Pole of Inaccessibility, meaning that nowhere on the landmass of Europe and Asia is more distant from the sea. Forbidding as it is, the place is a central link in what President Xi Jinping trumpets as the “project of the century” — a $1 trillion infrastructure program known as “One Belt, One Road,” which aims to revive the ancient Silk Road and build up other trading routes between Asia and Europe. Creating a transport hub in one of the world’s most remote places — where temperatures dropping as low as minus 40 — has involved an expensive exercise in social engineering. Visit the link in our profile to see more of @andreabruce’s photos from Nurkent, the town China built from scratch.


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