ジェニファー・ニコール・リーのインスタグラム(jennifernicolelee) - 1月2日 00時34分

HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU, ALL MY FITNESS FRIENDS WORLDWIDE! 1-1-2018 is HERE! May I motivate you to start your year off RIGHT by eating a big hearty "stick-to-your-ribs" bowl of BLACK EYED PEAS on New Years Day! Fables and tales tell of black eyed peas bringing luck, prosperity, wealth, health and abundance in the new year! So here is my healthy version, with Field Roast, a non-meat alternative that is so, pardon my french, effen GOOD! Their cook book is amazing, with tons of great savory dishes that give you all the satisfying flavor but non of the guilt. As you can see, I use no oil, as you don't need it! I don't over-cook my vegetables so they have more crunch, and nutritional value. You can dice up the Field Roast or leave it whole as shown in my presentation. Im so excited to share this New Year with all of you! Let us motivate each other to be the best, healthiest we can be! Dig in and WIN! xo JNL #JenniferNicoleLee #Happy #NewYear #2018 #best #cook #JNLGym #Fun #Fit #Foodie #Foodies #FunFitFoodie #JNLFunFitFoodie #BlackEyePeas #Delish #DigInandWin #HappyNewYear #TBIYTC #Celebrate #Excited #Love #light #ABigBowlOfHeaven #kitchen #cook #chef #author #CookBook


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



