リンジー・スターリングのインスタグラム(lindseystirling) - 1月1日 02時29分

2016 was the hardest year of my life and 2017 began with the passing of my father. I was filled with grief and I honestly didn't know if I would ever fully laugh again, or if I'd ever be as happy as I'd been before the passing of my dad and Gavi. I've learned that grief is the hole left in your heart after losing someone and it's evidence that you loved. These holes will never be filled just like the people will never be replaced but the holes force your heart to expand to making room for new love and new memories without covering the past. These last few months have have brought my true smile back. I've realized that I can be truly happy again, that I can laugh just as hard and that the best of my life is still ahead of me. Thank you for your love and for helping me rediscover myself.


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