【New year's season】 今年も残すところ、あとわずかです。皆さまはどんな一年を過ごされましたか? 年末に向けて寒さも厳しくなる中、年越しの準備などで忙しい日が続きます。どうぞお身体に気をつけて、 良い年をお迎えください♪ ⠀⠀ 【お知らせ①】 12/31(日)~1/1(月)は、年末年始のため原宿の旗艦店BOTANIST Tokyoを休業とさせていただきます。12/30(土)は18:00まで営業中です。 また来年、皆さまとお会いできるのを楽しみにしております! ⠀⠀ これからもBOTANISTをどうぞよろしくお願いします♪ ⠀⠀ 【お知らせ②】 BOTANISTのInstagramはこれから年末年始のお休みをいただき、アカウント運営の再開は1/5(金)の予定です。お問い合わせのご返信は、年明けからになりますのでご了承ください。 ⠀⠀ それでは #良いお年を ?✨ ⠀⠀ 【New year's season】 There is not much left of 2017. How are planning on celebrating your New Years? Surrounded by a cold winter, perhaps you have lots of last minute preparations. Remember to take care of yourself and your loved ones around you and don't stress too much. Have a Happy New Year! ⠀⠀ 【Announcement 1】 Between 31st December and 1st January, BOTANIST Tokyo is closed for the holidays. We are open until 18:00 on 30th of December. We look forward in seeing you next year! Happy New Year! ⠀⠀ 【Announcement 2】 BOTANIST is taking a holiday break from Instagram and are back on the 5th of January. Any questions or inquiries will be answered then. Thank you and Happy Holidays! ⠀⠀ #happynewyear to you all! ⠀⠀ #今年もお世話になりました #newyear2018 #botanist #ボタニスト #botanisttokyo #botanicalme #botalife @botanist_official

botanist_officialさん(@botanist_official)が投稿した動画 -

botanist officialのインスタグラム(botanist_official) - 12月27日 10時02分

【New year's season】
年末に向けて寒さも厳しくなる中、年越しの準備などで忙しい日が続きます。どうぞお身体に気をつけて、 良い年をお迎えください♪
12/31(日)~1/1(月)は、年末年始のため原宿の旗艦店BOTANIST Tokyoを休業とさせていただきます。12/30(土)は18:00まで営業中です。
それでは #良いお年を ?✨
【New year's season】
There is not much left of 2017. How are planning on celebrating your New Years? Surrounded by a cold winter, perhaps you have lots of last minute preparations. Remember to take care of yourself and your loved ones around you and don't stress too much. Have a Happy New Year!
【Announcement 1】
Between 31st December and 1st January, BOTANIST Tokyo is closed for the holidays. We are open until 18:00 on 30th of December. We look forward in seeing you next year!
Happy New Year!
【Announcement 2】
BOTANIST is taking a holiday break from Instagram and are back on the 5th of January. Any questions or inquiries will be answered then. Thank you and Happy Holidays!
#happynewyear to you all!
#今年もお世話になりました #newyear2018 #botanist #ボタニスト #botanisttokyo #botanicalme #botalife
@botanist official


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