ジェフリー・ロスのインスタグラム(therealjeffreyross) - 12月25日 17時43分

Taken a year ago tonight at an undisclosed location in Baghdad on The Chairman’s Holiday Tour. The USO has given me so many humbling and exciting adventures. Big shout out to all the people stationed overseas and away from their families. Whether you are a Lieutenant General or the grunt who cleans his latrine I love you. Whether you are a scientist or an engineer or a driver or a sniper I love you. Whether you are male, female, straight, gay, trans, gender fluid or gender solid like me I love you. And there are many others who love you waiting for you back home. Shout out to my friends @イリザ・シュレシンガー and @andybovine who are somewhere in a war zone doing this year’s tour right now. Try the falafel ! Get home safe everybody! Xo


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