サラ・ミシェル・ゲラーのインスタグラム(sarahmgellar) - 12月23日 03時24分

It’s #lumberjack #lumberjill day @foodstirs (although to quote my daughter “I don’t think lumberjacks wear @マノロブラニク mom”. Below you will find some fun facts about Lumberjack's or Jill's
What are they known for:
Many real-life loggers have become renowned for their extraordinary strength, intuition, and knowledge of the woods.
What do they wear:
A 'lumbersexual' or 'urban lumberjack' is a man who has adopted style traits typical of a traditional lumberjack, namely a beard, plaid shirt, and/or scruffy hair, substituting otherwise clean-cut and fashionable style choices
What do they eat:
lumberjack bean bake
lumberjack beans
lumberjack breakfast casserole
lumberjack casserole
lumberjack chili
lumberjack omelet
lumberjack pancakes
lumberjack sandwiches
lumberjack sausage
lumberjack soup
lumberjack stew
lumberjack breakfast
Most importantly -- lumberjacks (molasses cookies)
What do they drink:
Lumberjack Morning Break, Imperial Maple Coffee Stout
Lumberjack Pale Ale
Lumberjack Red Ale And obviously @foodstirs

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