TIME Magazineのインスタグラム(time) - 12月20日 04時56分

@spitzmelissa was 7 years old when she visited her mother in a mental institution. It would be the first of many, and it ultimately inspired a project she would launch years later called @nothing_to_worry_about. The Instagram account is a visual diary of her mother, Deborah, who has been diagnosed at various times with paranoid schizophrenia, depression and bipolar disorder. Spitz takes the viewer on a captivating and unflinching journey with images that reflect the complexity of mental suffering through the lens of someone who cares deeply for her subject. For her distinct understanding of the platform’s storytelling potential, and her unique curation that has generated a community and conversation about mental illness, Spitz, 29, has been named TIME’s Instagram Photographer of the Year for 2017. Photographs by @spitzmelissa


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