unicefのインスタグラム(unicef) - 12月15日 23時06分

Hello, this is @philmoorephoto, and earlier this year I spent three months in South Sudan with UNICEF, documenting the challenges that children face in the world’s youngest country. In May, a helicopter dropped me off with a team of nutrition, health, water, and child protection specialists in the dusty village of Aburoc. More than 17,000 people had gathered around the village, which straddles a dry river bed, and many had no shelter but a few spiny trees. These were the Shilluk people, who had been forced from their villages by shifting lines of conflict. Many had been displaced several times, and this was the latest point at which they settled, possessing only that with which they fled. “It was very difficult walking with the children, but the situation forced us to come,” Theresa Jago, a 32 year-old mother of 5 told me. (1 / 4 of @philmoorephoto’s #InstagramTakeover.) © UNICEF/UN065991/Hatcher-Moore


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