タンクのインスタグラム(therealtank) - 12月3日 21時16分

#Houston was the best city on the tour so far! The love was unbearable! Unfortunately the venue and the promoter treated me like trash at the end of the night. I pride myself on going above and beyond for those who pay for my services. Even if i’m not paid I go hard because those impressions are lasting! I honor my word and people who don’t make this business a very bad place to be. I pray we can do this again but it would definitely have to be with a venue and a promoter that represent the true spirit of #houston #htown #Tank #Savage #RnBMoney #TheGeneral #SAVAGExTHESOULTOUR #SAVAGEALBUM #music
#singer #worldwide #tour #promo #media ? @twelvepastseven


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