カーリー・パターソンのインスタグラム(carlypatterson04) - 12月2日 02時49分

Friday thoughts☝? Just when I think I’m feeling like super woman because I got up before sunrise and before the baby to shower, make coffee, pump, get the animals fed/let out and to just have a minute to myself something always manages to knock you back down to reality! Spilling coffee all over myself, getting thrown up on, pooped/peed on, spilling the milk I just pumped all over the counter, the dog barking just as I’m getting the baby to sleep etc.? I’ve learned a lot about myself in the last 7 weeks. I’ve let little things get to me when I shouldn’t think twice, I’ve beat myself up about not having the energy to wash my hair or put makeup on or that I’m not already looking like I did pre-baby. I’ve learned that I’m trying to be perfect at something I’ve never done before and not cutting myself any slack. So this is basically a reminder for MYSELF and any other person out there that needs it wether you’re a mom or not...give yourself a dang break sometimes and laugh in those moments when things don’t go exactly how you think they should because guess what, we’re doing awesome!? #momlife #workinprogress #newmom


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



