ハイディメリックのインスタグラム(hmerrick) - 11月25日 00時01分

This is me on Thanksgiving day, while cooking the 22 lb turkey. This year I'm learning to ask for help. It's not fun to do it all yourself. It much more joyous to let everyone play to their strengths and share their skills. I want to thank @ting_london for making beautiful roast vegetables and the gravy. I want to thank @picklelilly for being the most talented baker this side of the Atlantic. I want to thank my gorgeous cousin @not_bridget for making delicious little date balls and yams and then plating everything. Also, shout out to @heathersper and @emilyfiffer for telling me to simply roast the darn thing... it was a beautiful day and I'm so grateful this life. ...also I love you @thelahome xx


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




