ローレン・ヤングのインスタグラム(lo_young) - 11月21日 12時48分

Those who know me know that I've been struggling with weight problems for the past few years. What really triggered me to lose weight was when my doctor told me that I was already at risk for diabetes and I got a bulging disc because my body just couldn't handle my weight anymore. Today, I am clear from diabetes and do not experience pain in my back anymore.
I've been doing keto, home workouts and yoga which have all helped me get to where I am today, but the most important change I've made in my life is learning about self love and acceptance. Accepting that sometimes I will still struggle, accepting my insecurities and turning them into assets instead of flaws, accepting that cellulite isn't the worst thing in the world, accepting my body shape (#balakangbabe), accepting the help of those around me who only have my best interest at heart. But most importantly accepting that we all come in different shapes and sizes and at the end of the day you have to do workouts that work best for YOU and make YOU feel good. I've realized as I've gotten a year older that above everything else I have to take care of my health and the looks will follow.
Be proud of your accomplishments, even the little ones. But most importantly love and accept yourself - flaws included. ?

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