モリヤ・ジュタヌガーンのインスタグラム(mo_moriya) - 11月20日 09時03分

What a great season 2017 was. It was fun and I enjoyed every second of it. There were so many valuable lessons I learned this season. I am happy with the way things are going for my career. This season just ends too quickly and I cannot wait for 2018! Thanks to all my sponsors for supporting, my coaches,my team, my family and you @アリヤ・ジュタヌガーン . Congrats to my dearest sis for winning once again at the CME Tour Championship. It's amazing to see how you grow to be the player and the person you are. You are the best and I cannot be more proud of you. I am glad that I got to walk this journey with you and I am so excited to see what future has in store for us. Love❤️❤️ #SCG #Cotto #AmazingThailand #IflyTHAI #Betagro

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