スターリンのインスタグラム(stalinthecat) - 11月15日 03時02分

Update on Sara. I have talked to the owner, like Mattilsynet advised me to, and guess what. She wanted Sara back. In other words I had no choice but to return her to the owner, inform her that the cat MUST have treatment for her condition, and tell her that Mattilsynet is involved and will follow her actions regarding this cat.

Sooo I have paid 680$ for necessary treatment for a cat I don't own, only to have to return her to her rightful, irresponsible owner. It's out of my hands, I did all that I could and more, and the case is with Mattilsynet now. I really hope the owner does the right thing for Sara. Since I don't have Sara anymore, and thus no pictures of her, I'm just gonna leave this picture of Stalin looking dumbfounded. Enjoy.

Thanks for following Sara's story, for all the encouraging and heartfelt comments, as well as donations both given and coming if you decide to help out. It's great to have all of you following. ❤️


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