Nicole Eevee Davisのインスタグラム(eeveedavis) - 11月14日 09時55分

(Disclaimer: I was NOT driving while I made this. Also a PSA to anyone dumb enough to endanger lives by doing something so impractical✌🏻) Bleh bleh bleh bleh pointless videya I don't have anything good to post ~ I wanted to ask for your opinions on something media related; if I were to take one day a week to either stream on Twitch or start working on my YouTube again which would you guys prefer? I'm always craving both but I want to start getting myself on a routine to get used to it again by indulging myself back into the streaming/YouTube scene slowly. I know that probably makes me sound like a big baby or lazy for not doing something so simple, but I have my reasons for keeping my distance and this is just the best way from me to do what I love and at the most comfortable approach. Anywayssssss I hope you're all enjoying your week, if you don't have an opinion on my video stuff let me know what your plans are for the holidays or what's been on your mind lately ・ᴗ・ either way, it's just nice to hear from you guys sometimes and get a small view into everyone's life on here ~♡


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する





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