エリザベス・バンクスのインスタグラム(elizabethbanks) - 11月10日 10時02分

This. From the Louis CK story - “dispirited” - Having her spirit broken. I once had a conversation with a big male comedian who thinks there aren’t more women in comedy because women aren’t funny. When I tried to argue that maybe it’s just that women don’t feel welcome in “boys clubs,” he told me I was wrong. I have a platform - WhoHaHa - that encourages women to be funny however they can and this kind of shit is why I did it. To those who get dispirited by this nonsense, I️ get it. Thanks @wearedmm and the whole awesome team @whohaha for mentoring and amplifying women’s voices. Thank you to everyone speaking out, challenging the status quo, fighting for safety and security for all of us as we pursue our dreams.


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