ナタリア・コルドバ・バックリーのインスタグラム(yosoycordova) - 11月10日 09時20分

I can’t begin to put into words what it means to me to be a part of such a profoundly beautiful film.
I shall not go into the multiple reason why this film is as significant as it is to me....but... I do urge you to see it. I urge you to allow yourselves to be moved.
@pixarcoco is the best film I’ve seen this year and I am proud, honored and grateful to be amongst the many beings who created this masterpiece.
It’s the materialization of my deepest and most desired dream.
From the pit of my soul...thank you @stardar16 @leeunkrich @adrianthemolina and so many more for your passion, respect, admiration and love toward #Mexico and our culture.
You are ambassadors of dreams and I am blessed to have worked with you all.
COCO opens in theaters November 22nd.
#pixarcoco #proudlatina #mexicana


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