リズ・チェルカソワのインスタグラム(lateafternoon) - 11月7日 04時27分

Last night I broke. My anxiety and stress levels have reached a point I have never experienced. So many of you reached out to me last night and this morning and helped me put a few pieces of myself back together. I have always tried to keep up a wall between my inner self and the curated creature I present on my blog and various platforms. Today is a new day. So meet the real “Late Afternoon”. A woman who suffers from anxiety. A woman who questions her self worth because she doesn’t get enough likes on her pictures. A woman who has allowed the worst parts of what once was her passion to drain her of her confidence. My name is Liz. Today I’m hurting. So many of you are also hurting. So many of you are hurting in ways I can’t even imagine. I see you and I see your pain. We’re in this together. ?


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




