リンジー・スターリングのインスタグラム(lindseystirling) - 11月3日 01時02分

Thank you so much for all your prayers. I don't know how I made it through this dance. It really was a miracle. Not only was I injured and in a lot of pain but the hardest part to get through was that my spirit was broken. The thought that I might have to forfeit, and the thought that this injury might effect my tour was devastating. For the first time in a while, I didn't believe that I could do it. I received help from drs (@humangaragela), I got a blessing from a church leader, I prayed, and I visualized what I couldn't practice. I basically forced myself to believe I could make it through that dance. Sometimes you have to fake it till you make it. This week, I am being very careful with how I pace my body and I'm feeling a little stronger every day. I've reminded myself why I do what I do and I have my fire back. I believe I can do this and it's real now. Thank you so much for your support. You guys believe in me even when I doubt myself. Please keep me in your prayers.


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