Black Jaguar-White Tiger のインスタグラム(blackjaguarwhitetiger) - 11月2日 04時55分

I just laugh when I read comments saying that I drug my kids. They see them playing or biting me and they say they’re drugged. I just laugh. Trust me, I don’t care one bit about what stupid people say, but how big of an idiot one has to be to look at these kids and say that they’re drugged? I just don’t get it. I’m inside with 4 adult male Lions patrolling 3 girls in heat. You know how much I Love Lions and you know how annoying Tigers are. Do you think that I enjoy having my closet full of Tigers when I could very well have it full of Lions if I wanted to? The reality is that there are thousands of Tigers in Mexico reproducing LEGALLY and I try to rescue as many cubs as possible to prevent them from going to houses as pets. I have more than 100 Lions alone, if I let them reproduce, I’d have 2000 of them. Why I don’t sterilize them? Because if in 5 or 10 years things change in Africa, I’d have at least 300 Lions ready to reproduce in order to introduce into the wild. It is not my fault that I live in #PlanetStupid where a lot of people are blind and can’t see past their nose. This is what I do. This is my mission. Whomever is on the other side of my vision can kiss my Mexican Butt because they represent The Dark Side of Humanity...
#PapaBearChronicles #TheBigPrideBJWT #SaveLions #BeHuman #SaveOurPlanet #FromMexicoWithLove


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