Teen Vogueのインスタグラム(teenvogue) - 10月29日 23時22分

“I think as a young woman who is still having fun discovering her own style in real life, I enjoy illustrating quirky, young modern women the most,” said 22-year-old @rachaeladean. Her aesthetic can be described as current and colorful, and Rachael says social media has presented her with many opportunities. “Being on Instagram has not only integrated me into a vast community of talented illustrators, but it has led me to take part in collaborations with other artists," she explains. "My most recent collaboration, for example, is a Work In Progress typography collaboration with independent brand designer Juli Vignette, where she has taken illustrations that focus on female creativity from different women around the world, and is applying a relevant piece of text to each piece of work. It will be released between December and January." People would be surprised to know that despite Rachael's current drawing style, her passion for illustrations originally grew from Marvel Comic illustrations. What would most people be surprised to know about you? Comment below!


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