World of Labradors!のインスタグラム(worldoflabs) - 10月20日 07時14分

“To an outsider, it might not be clear why Luke needs his dog, Jedi. This may just look like a dog who decided to stretch but it's so much more than that. This is his low alert for #diabetes type 1. He's telling us Luke is dropping before Luke feels it or the meters can alert us.

It's so awesome when your dog gives you a head start to a drop to prevent a low while shopping with all your kids in tow. We caught this at 75, before Luke felt bad and we were able to continue on and get out of the store without his feeling crummy and without having to wait for him to recover from a low.

It's hard to express the impact a dog with such an important job and such a sweet soul has on your heart. Everyday he saves Luke from highs and lows and he is always by our side as we deal with everything diabetes throws our way. Every single day, in his own special way, he saves us all.” ❤️ Good Low Jedi.  #weneedacure - @lukeandjedi

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