ジェシカ・シーバのインスタグラム(mommasgonecity) - 10月19日 11時01分

Learning to live with Jack's severe food allergies has been life changing. I've dedicated myself in many ways to being an advocate for him and learning as much as I can to reduce the risk of developing food allergies with my younger children. I am incredibly honored to partner with Before Brands to share their new product @SpoonfulOne. Made with real food, SpoonfulOne™ Daily Food Mix-In is a daily dietary supplement comprised of gentle portions of the foods responsible for 90% of food allergies, and designed to help a child’s body get to know and stay accustomed to a wide variety of potential food allergens. SpoonfulOne is made for children without a food allergy. Lots more to learn plus an amazing year-long subscription #giveaway on the blog. Link in profile! #sponsored


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