ホイットニー・ポートのインスタグラム(whitneyeveport) - 10月13日 01時41分

All you moms have been there...You're driving on the freeway with your brand new baby in the back and all of a sudden they're hysterical. You don't know what to do, you can't pull over, you think they're choking, you're freaking out! Well, hopefully you've all been there, cause that was me a couple weeks ago and it scarred me and I need some help! Taking Sonny out has proven to be very scary for me. Not only does the preparation and packing give me massive amounts of anxiety but the amount he hates the car seat is enough for me to never want to leave the house, like EVER! I am taking him out today ( because I have to, not because I want to) and have a few tricks up my sleeve that some other moms have armed me with, but it's a real thing and my new hurdle to get over. Check out this chapter of I Love My Baby, But...The First Day Out Was No Fun to see how my first day out with him went and why Sonny and I may just be cool to live at home together forever. Link in Bio to watch!


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