ベス・ロッデンのインスタグラム(bethrodden) - 10月12日 07時46分

“I’ll carry Theo up to Céüse tomorrow!” HK said to me as I laughed dismissively. “No really, I kinda miss humping big loads on our European sport climbing vacation, gotta beef up my legs.” Becoming a mom, I’ve seen my relationships change with friends, some grow closer and others drift apart. It always stands out in my mind when young, childless people with all the freedom in the world offer to spend time with kids, it speaks volumes. I first met Hayden as a lanky kid with so much genuine enthusiasm for climbing and life. That energy never faded over the years. Inge seemed to amplify it, and in the short time I spent with them as a couple they left such an impression, the kind of people you’d want your kids to grow up to be like. Never bothered by achievement or outcome, only motivated by experiences and living. These two were gems. Thank you HK and Inge for making the world a brighter place, and thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking the time to spend with Theo. Even if you hated social media, at least our community can make a place to share stories and memories, and make more of them with each other, which is what we all learned from you. #haydenkennedyforever


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