タヴィ・ゲヴィンソンのインスタグラム(tavitulle) - 10月7日 06時54分

Shoutout to this sign I became fixated with when I visited @saraheramos in Albuquerque and how it immediately brought to mind the phrase @durgapolashi and I send back and forth: PROTECT YOUR FLAME. The source of your creativity, the reason to make anything at all, the feeling that makes these industries worth tolerating. For me that means socializing less, scheduling time to step outside the pace of most media, and having secrets. And now I will learn this is actually an old ad for something horrible called like Teach Girls How To Look At Their Hands Instead Of How To Read, Inc.
ETA: source found! @aprcty: “This beauty is a part of Albuquerque’s ‘Orphan Sign Project’ started by some high school students/teachers (I believe): the project funds/creates art placed on signs which had been abandoned following the decline of the Route 66. The project also puts sometimes ominous but always lovely poetry on different current/former motel billboards, like one reads “heart holds against certain winds” and another reads “I clap for you in my head all the time”. There’s a sign over a bus stop which says “bus is never closed to crazy”. I only just found out the source of all this stuff. Most people in Albuquerque just find it all mysterious, strange, and (I hope) stunning.”


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