榊原信行のインスタグラム(nobu_sakakibara) - 10月6日 12時50分

We are a little than a week out of the RIZIN 2017 in FUKUOKA event and are set to announce the full fight order!

RENA vs Andy Nguyen will be our first ever female main event and will be aired live, along with the co main event Tenshin Nasukawa vs Yamato Fujita.

This will be a long night with a total of 16 fights, but this is will be the first time in 10 years FUKUOKA has seen a big event, so we hope they get enough fights to enjoy.
For those who cannot attend, we hope you join us live on FITETV, which can also be reached from our official English website!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



